TS Plus
TSplus is a remote access software suite that allows you to access your Windows applications and desktops from anywhere, at any time, using any browser and any device. It is a reliable and scalable way to web-enable your Windows Applications hosted on premise or in the cloud.
Perimeter 81
Perimeter 81 is a cloud-based cybersecurity platform that provides remote access, firewall as a service (FWaaS), and internet access control (IAC). It is a zero trust platform that uses a SASE (secure access service edge) architecture to protect users and data from unauthorized access.
Sec Point
Sec Point is a Scandinavian IT security company that provides products and services to help businesses protect their networks and data from cyber threats. The company’s products include vulnerability scanners, UTM firewalls, and WiFi pen testing tools. Sec Point also offers a range of managed security services, such as 24/7 monitoring and incident response.